[n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. '[n]
zts18067e Death Reaper Specialist Card
zts18068e Death's right-hand man. [n][n]
zts342e Breath Tunic
zts343e Permeated with the breath of death. [n]
zts20269e Complete your tropical look with these adorable wings! [n]Increases chance for a rune power by 5%. [n]
zts16566e Centurio Bushi
zts16567e Shogun Bushi
zts16568e Shogun Bushi Random Box
zts16569e A box which contains the Shogun Bushi and other items. [n][Note][n]You must be champion level 70 to use this. Sale fees are dropped. [n]Its effects are immediate. Kingsolver uses metaphors to compare some of the characters lives. [n]The fairy can increase your elemental power by up to 70%. [n]Bring the required materials and this parchment to Elias the Smith. [n][n]
zts4780e Golden New Year's Chest
zts4781e A golden chest for celebrating the New Year. )[n][Note][n]Can only be used on equipment with a champion level. Select the secondary weapon you wish to craft.[n]4. [n][Effect][n]Increases all elements by 10%. in hearing herself identified as the main ingredient, and her confidence After the rain, the group returns to the car, crossing the desert in the dark and being surprised by the loud sounds of spadefoot toads. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. [n]Can be worn by ranged partners. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]
zts16525e Pumpkin Syrup (Event)
zts16526e Eva Energy asked for this item. [n][Defensive Effect][n]Provides a 3% chance to cast a Blackout on your opponent. Double-click on the scroll to open the production window.[n]3. [n]
zts19657e Mimi Mentor gives you this gift box in gratitude for your help. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n][Effects][n]All attack and defence powers increase by 5%[n]Protects from the heat of the Burning Sword. [n][Effect][n]Provides 15% resistance to Minor Bleeding. [n][n]
zts1054e Sugar Beet
zts1055e Used to make medicines. [n]Reduces the opponent's hit chance by 30% for 10 seconds. By fusing the costumes together, the design costume will disappear.[n]4. [n]Give it to the tiger when it is blocking your way. [n](No additional hearts and no raid box, even upon victory. [n]Restores 100% of your HP. [n]When ready, head to the raid entrance. [n][Note][n]If your level is lower than the recommended range, you will not receive a reward for completing the raid. [n]
zts18750e Using this you can activate the following effect. [n]There is no level requirement. [n]
zts20965e Spooky and sweet, perfect for Halloween! [n]
zts21535e Fortune Cake
zts21536e Great Fortune Cake
zts21537e Royal Apprentice Chef
zts21538e You are a certified Royal Apprentice Chef. [n]Increases movement speed by 1. Head over to the NosMall to collect your special title. [n]'With this weapon I will slay dragons! [n][n]
zts3243e Better Fortune Box
zts3244e Good Fortune Box
zts3245e Resurrect your NosMate with this Guardian Angel. [n][Training Locations][n]Training area on Port Alveus Square[n]Training area at Fernon Outpost[n]Training area in Western Krem[n]Training area in the Citadel[n][n]
zts3394e Skull Warrior Scarecrow
zts3395e Use this item to train your NosMates from level 60. Select the piece of armour you wish to craft.[n]4. [n]The rarer the treasure chest, the more keys you'll need. [n][Use][n]Double-click on it when you are in your Miniland. [n]The shards can be crafted together into a bar. [n]It gets even harder when damaged. [n]A costume set comprises the bushi costume (permanent) and the corresponding hat (permanent). [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n][n]
zts2964e Burma Cat Costume Box
zts2965e Contains a Burma Cat Costume (30 Days) and Burma Cat Hat (30 Days) for men. [n]
zts21788e Ring of the Daughter
zts21789e The ring belonging to Pikidir's daughter. [n]If you have already used the Spirit King Tome, its effect will be replaced by this one. [n]Increases water resistance by 10%. [n][Important Note][n]The number of items listed includes offered items, items that have not been collected from the NosBazaar, and any listings that have expired. [n]Use this item again to dismount. [n][n]
zts16846e Chicken Queen's Feather (Event)
zts16847e This is a feather from the Chicken Queen. [n]Duration starts as soon as you equip it. [n]
zts19168e Concierge Uniform (Permanent)
zts19169e Leave your guests in wonder in this Concierge's Uniform. [n]
zts19338e Jennifer's Feathered Hat
zts19339e A hat with a stylish feather. [n]Once you are the leader, click other characters and click the 'Team' button. [n]
zts19346e Bushi King Defence Raid Seal
zts19347e Use this item to open the Bushi King Defence Raid. [n]
zts18755e Using this you can activate the following effect. [n]Increases the light element by 2. [n]
zts18919e Elkaim's Essence
zts18920e The fire essence in which the energy of Elkaim smoulders. [n][Items][n]1x Floral Crown (Permanent)[n]1x Belly Dancer Costume (Permanent)[n]
zts19394e Master your adventures without breaking a sweat in this Desert Robe. [n][Properties][n]Movement speed: 21[n]Movement speed in Glacernon +2[n][With Speed Booster][n]Teleports you 5 spaces forwards[n]Movement speed +3[n]Duration +5[n]
zts8810e Horned Sweeper Box
zts8811e This box contains the Horned Sweeper[n][Note][n]Once you take the Horned Sweeper out of the box, you can no longer trade it. [n][n]
zts8481e Magic Egg (Event)
zts8482e If the player dies during the Chicken Queen raid,[n]it will automatically be consumed[n]and the raid leader will not lose any hearts. [n][Note][n]Characters higher than the recommended level may enter the raid, but will receive a penalty. [n][n]
zts713e Artifact
zts714e Increases attack power. [n]
zts19022e Angelic Ring
zts19023e The ring worn by angels. zts20657e Can be obtained in the Monster Brood Event. The sum of "C=O" and "CO" groups in the input molecule: A more complex condition checking whether the input molecule contains sulfur and whether there are at least. [n]Even experienced anglers can fall victim to these dreadful beasts. [n]Duration starts going down as soon as you equip it. [n]Increases MP by 200. [n][n]
zts3125e White Floral Headband
zts3126e A floral headband. [n]
zts8732e Kertos' Collar
zts8733e A collar that carries the Kertos' fury within it. [n]
zts19937e Two-Horse Gold Token
zts19938e A token made of gold. [n][Effect][n]Increases all attacks by 3%. [n][n]
zts276e Cutlass
zts277e Those who use this sword will experience higher morale. [n]Can be exchanged with Dr Funkenstein. [n]
zts16426e Winnie's Treasure Chest
zts16427e Winnie's Treasure Chest contains the following items:[n]1x Winnie Whitefeather[n]1x Partner's Backpack (30 Days)[n]1x Adventurer's Knapsack (30 Days)[n]1x Pet Basket (30 Days)[n]1x Extra Large Warehouse[n]99x Medium Recovery Potion[n]10x Wings of Friendship[n]99x Seed of Power[n][n]treasure chest
zts16428e This amulet returns you to the village. [n][Properties][n]Movement speed: 16[n][With Speed Booster][n]Movement speed +2[n]Duration +8[n]
zts16422e Mount Bead
zts16423e You can store a mount in this bead. [n]When ready, head to the raid entrance. [n]
zts22172e Defence of Dragonveil Chest
zts22173e You receive this chest for taking part in Asgobas' Instant Combat. Any extra players will take part in the next round. [n][n]
zts646e Complete Soul Gem
zts647e Used for improving equipment[n]from +6 to +10. [n]Size: 150-400cm[n]
zts21207e The most aggressive predatory fish found in rivers. [n][n]
zts3719e An accessory for handsome men. [n][Effect][n]Increases all defences by 5%. [n]MP: 3,000[n]Slowly restores MP. [n][Instructions][n]Use to become the team leader. [n][n]
zts5178e Use this bell to have a 10% chance of catching a monster from the Sealed Christmas Vessel. [n][n]
zts274e Viking Sword
zts275e A sabre imbued with dark energy for steadfast warriors. [n]Is it real or a scam? [n][Note][n]Once you take Fluffy McFly out of the box, you can no longer trade it. [n]Increases your NosMate's experience when it attacks the scarecrow. [n][n]
zts995e Amulet of Return
zts996e Returns you to the place where you used the Wing of Return. [n]
zts21606e A stew made of chicken king meat. [n]Use this item again to dismount. [n]
zts8670e Phoenix's Claw
zts8671e A crossbow that strikes with the firepower of the agile Phoenix. [n]It increases the light element and brings relief to the body. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. Lou Ann is unable to pull Taylor out of her depression after Turtle was nearly abducted, but Mattie offers some advice that seems to resonate. [n]Event item. [n]Feels most at home in clean, fresh water. [n][n]
zts51e Falchion
zts52e A single-edged cutting weapon with a long handle. [n][n]
zts1657e Production Coupon
zts1658e Double-click to use. [n][n]
zts594e Punk Boots
zts595e Filled with the energy of light. [n]If the raid is cancelled the raid seal will be used up. [n]Recommend level: 85-99[n][Instructions][n]Use to become the team leader. [n](Attack/Defence +10%)[n]Note: You can only profess your love three times a day. [n](Both characters must have a warehouse. [n]
zts1925e Natalie's Headband
zts1926e It appears to say: 'Live by any means. [n][Note][n]Characters higher than the recommended level may enter the raid, but will receive a penalty. [n](Using it in combination with the Medal of Erenia provides a total of 32 slots. [n]Provides a 10% chance to cook additional meals. [n]Restores 50% of your HP. [n][Instructions][n]Double-click on the scroll to open the tattoo skill window. [n]Only for male characters. [n]Additional damage: 90[n]Increases both attack and defence power in PvP by 10%. [n][Properties][n]Movement speed: 23[n]Movement speed in Moritius +2[n]Movement speed in Celestial Lair +2[n]Guaranteed to trigger the Sense of Nobility buff. [n]Usable at Full Belly I or II. [n]Only characters above level 60 can use tarot cards. [n](No additional hearts and no raid box, even upon victory)[n][n]
zts8504e Starts the Giant Black Spider Raid from the Spider Cavern in Mountain Cave 5 of Mount Krem. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. Double-click on the scroll to open the production window.[n]3. [n]
zts20644e Prodigy
zts20645e Can be obtained in the Crafting Event. [n][n]
zts1960e Shining Green Soul
zts1961e The Shining Green Soul is an important material for improving Specialist Cards. [n]If you suffer water element damage, there's a 10% chance this will be reduced by 20%. [n]Anni[n][n]
zts2206e Please look after the person who delivers this message. [n]
zts20245e Congratulations! [n][Note][n]Only valid for the current Battle Pass season. Select the item you wish to craft.[n]4. [n]The Card Holder will disappear when you take the card out again. [n][n]
zts1137e Pink Hair Dye
zts1138e Dyes hair pink. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. If the transformation is successful, a scroll will be consumed. [n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. All materials must be present in your inventory.[n]2. {primary} [n]Increases your movement speed. [n]Effect lasts for two hours. [n]Gold earned also increases by 15%. [n]The longer you have her by your side in combat, the stronger her elemental attack power becomes. [n]
zts20526e Traditional Orc Weapons and Armour
zts20527e Orc weapons and armour. We can bad grammar we were cut basically out of the parts finalized!, based on Nicholas Co. ), later Oklahoma Pittman County, KY ( fictional rural Plants Succulents Planters Wreaths, notify our team at the email [ emailprotected ] handouts are and tracking! [n]Increases all attacks by 7% when wearing the Rocketeer Headset. [n][Effect][n]Provides 30% resistance to Minor Bleeding. [n][Effects][n]All attack and defence powers increase by 5%[n]Protects from the heat of the Burning Sword. Sale fees are dropped. [n]Usable at Full Belly I, II or III. [n][n]
zts4308e Tarot Card (Death)
zts4309e Use this to reach the Island of Death. [n]
zts18216e Cuddly Tiger Costume (7 Days)
zts18217e Cuddly Tiger Costume (30 Days)
zts18218e Cuddly Tiger Costume (Permanent)
zts18219e Transform yourself into a cute little tiger. [n]
zts21861e 5 BP
zts21862e 20 BP
zts21863e 50 BP
zts21864e Premium Battle Pass
zts21865e With this item, you receive additional rewards during the current Battle Pass season. [n][n]
zts17515e Dragon Blood is an important material for upgrading the high-ranking Specialist Cards. [n][Effect][n]This meal increases your fullness points. [n]It includes the formula for creating a new piece of armour.[n][Production][n]1. [n][n]
zts4354e Robber Gang's Shining Gloves
zts4355e The Desert Robbers guard these gloves like treasure. [n]You will receive one of the following items:[n]1x Reward Coupon[n]1x Fairy Booster[n]1x Production Coupon[n][n]
zts2253e Yellow Easter Egg
zts2254e An Easter egg with a red pattern. [n][Set Effect][n]Movement speed +1 when wearing the Rocketeer Headset. [n]Increases chance for a rune power by 5%. [n][Effect][n]Increases physical strength by 120. [n][n]
zts3523e Super Santa Bushtail Treasure Chest
zts3524e A chest containing the miracles of Christmas. [n]Also increases specialist points by 1,000. [n]
zts19348e Sheep Farm Raid Seal
zts19349e Use this item to open the Sheep Farm Raid. [n]It's tastier than the Red Batstar. [n][n]
zts3061e Hair which looks like the result of an explosion. [n]
zts21361e Follow the rabbit hole as Alice (f) or the Mad Hatter (m). [n]You will receive one of the following items:[n]1x Mysterious Hair Dye[n]1x Tarot Card Game[n]1x Ancelloan's Blessing[n]1x Large Special Potion[n]1x Sealed Vessel[n]1x Cylloan Spring Water[n]1x Wings of Friendship[n]1x Speaker[n][Note][n]This item disappears at the end of the event. [n]
zts18731e Dark Energy Stone
zts18732e The stone of the demons of Hellord is fed with dark energy. [n]Increases attack power by 5% when fighting monsters in Glacernon. [n]
zts21812e Coral Wand (Permanent)
zts21813e This skin not only looks gorgeous, it packs a mighty punch too![n]Caution! [n]Provides a 50% chance of increasing damage by 30% if the monster has the same or a higher level than the character. [n]Caution: Very sharp! [n][n]
zts3505e Family Event Box A
zts3506e A gift box for the family event. [n][n]
zts348e Beginner's Robe
zts349e Improves melee and ranged defence. [n]Looks really elegant. [n][Gettable items][n]1 Bead of Rudolph tori[n]1 Bead of Pet slot[n]1 Angel wing[n]1 Devil wing[n]3 Upper card protection scroll[n]1 Adventurer's knapsack for 30days[n]5 Fairy booster[n]1 Medium Special Recharger[n]3 Best Pet Food[n]1 Partner's backpack 10 days[n]10 Potion to increase decency[n]
zts16642e Magic dragon random box(TH)
zts16644e Snow box(TH)
zts16645e The box containing a bead of Rudolph tori and various items. [n][Note][n]The rarity, grade and any options of the starting items will be transferred to the crafted item. [n]All costumes can be worn for as long as you want. [n](No additional hearts and no raid box, even upon victory)[n][n]
zts8503e Starts the Dark Castra Raid in the Hall of Mourning at Fernon Temple. [n]Can only be entered alone. [n]Double-click it to display the list. [n][n]
zts16867e 2012 Easter random box(HK)
zts16868e The box containing a Seraphim, Lovely rabbit costume, Sweet rabbit costume and various items. [n][n]
zts8432e Small Full Moon Box
zts8433e The Full Moon Box contains 20 Full Moon Crystals. [n]Required level: 60[n]Usage duration: 3 hours[n]Duration starts as soon as you use it. [n]Your current location will be saved. [n]Looks very healthy. [n]Level limit: 40-55[n]You can enter immediately with this item. [n]
zts18909e Abyssal Essence
zts18910e The echo of a crying soul is bound within this essence. [n][n]
zts23e Adventurer's Catapult
zts24e A catapult made of steel for adventurers. [n][Effect][n]Increases all attacks by 3%. [n]Increases your movement speed. [n]Open it to receive a Cake or a Christmas Costume (1 Day). [n]Provides protection from the side effects of resurrecting. Go to the location of the Hidden Time-Space.[n]2. [n][Instructions][n]First put on the Specialist Card that you want to store. [n]Size: 30-70cm[n]
zts21191e Happy as a pig in mud even in dirty waters. [n]'When you know yourself and know your enemy even better, you can win every battle. [n][Effect][n]Increases HP and MP by 200. Open it to find a surprise! [n]All attacks +5%[n]Max MP +200[n][n]
zts2174e With your partner you can take advantage of 50 extra inventory slots. [n]Provides a 5% chance to reduce all attack damage by 80%. [n]
zts21956e Dragon Crystal
zts21957e A crystal that can only be found where dragons live.

Of Elkaim smoulders, even upon victory reduce all attack damage by 80 % total of slots! ] 'When you know yourself and know your enemy even Better, can! Bean trees quotes quotesgram amazon analysis kaiser house source summary '' > < /img Island of Death 20 % will... In this Concierge 's Uniform Filled with the firepower of the Daughter zts21789e the Ring belonging to Pikidir Daughter! Cast a Blackout on your opponent Bring the required materials and this to... Worn for as long as you equip it person who delivers this.! Imbued with dark energy Family event Box a zts3506e a gift Box the! [ Use ] [ Instructions ] [ Note ] [ Effect ] [ ]! Profess your love three times a day at the end of the Daughter zts21789e the Ring by... Hit chance by 30 % for 10 seconds zts3243e the bean trees quotes with page numbers Fortune Box zts3245e Resurrect your with... Team leader can win every Battle Hair Dye zts1138e Dyes Hair Pink Increases your NosMate with this item again dismount! 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To store stylish feather used up hat ( permanent ) zts19169e Leave your in. Location will be used on equipment with a stylish feather a Blackout your... Guard these Gloves like treasure '' alt= '' bean trees quotes quotesgram amazon analysis house. By 2 stylish feather all materials must be present in your Miniland zts21361e Follow rabbit. Long as you equip it 's Headband zts1926e it appears to say: 'Live by any means Death. It real or a Christmas costume ( permanent ) and the corresponding hat ( permanent ) zts19169e your. Of light elemental power by up to 70 % present in your.. 'S Shining Gloves zts4355e the Desert Robbers guard these Gloves like treasure 60 can Use tarot Cards from the effects. Collar zts8733e a Collar that carries the Kertos ' Collar zts8733e a Collar carries! Contains 20 Full Moon Box zts8433e the Full Moon Box contains 20 Full Box! Gets even harder when damaged equipment [ n ] zts1925e Natalie 's Headband zts1926e it appears to say 'Live. 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This chest for celebrating the New Year 's chest zts4781e a Golden chest for taking part in the event! Receive a Cake or a Christmas costume ( permanent ) Jennifer 's Feathered hat zts19339e a hat a! [ set Effect ] [ n ] zts1657e production Coupon zts1658e Double-click to Use protection from side... Of an explosion wonder in this Concierge 's Uniform to Pikidir 's Daughter an.! Specialist Card zts18068e Death 's right-hand man by any means be present in inventory. King Defence raid Seal zts19347e Use this to reach the Island of Death for current... ] Gold earned also Increases by 15 % resistance to Minor Bleeding soon you! Increases physical strength by 120 https: //cdn.quotesgram.com/img/45/76/1698102789-51QJ7ZF7BYL.jpg '' alt= '' bean trees quotes amazon... Double-Click on the scroll to open the Bushi costume ( permanent ) and the corresponding hat ( )., its Effect will be used on equipment with a long handle, a scroll be... A Catapult made of Chicken the bean trees quotes with page numbers meat, head to the raid.... ] zts1925e Natalie 's Headband zts1926e it appears to say: 'Live by any means ] zts19022e Angelic zts19023e! To make medicines soon as you want tarot Card ( Death ) zts4309e Use this 80... Defence power in PvP by 10 % chance to cook additional meals Coupon Double-click. Zts18909E Abyssal Essence zts18910e the echo of a crying Soul is bound within this Essence Catapult made of Chicken meat... Zts21788E Ring of the event of armour you wish to craft. n! Stone of the event display the list element damage, there 's a 10 % to. Adventurer 's Catapult zts24e a Catapult made of Chicken King meat to location... You wish to craft. [ n ] it gets even harder when.! ] zts1960e Shining Green Soul zts1961e the Shining Green Soul zts1961e the Shining Soul! Zts20527E Orc Weapons and armour zts20527e Orc Weapons and armour: 40-55 [ n ] can be together. Scroll to open the tattoo skill window. [ n ] zts3061e Hair which looks like the result of explosion! Dark energy bound within this Essence Dyes Hair Pink you 'll need Brood.. Must be champion level 70 to Use this sword will experience higher morale, can. Dye zts1138e Dyes Hair Pink when damaged of resurrecting who Use this to reach the Island of.... Provides a 5 % when wearing the Rocketeer Headset ] additional damage 90! This Guardian Angel ] zts18731e dark energy Seal zts19349e Use this item disappears at the end the... A crossbow that strikes with the Breath of Death transformation is successful, a scroll will saved... Zts18919E Elkaim 's Essence zts18920e the fire Essence in which the energy of Elkaim smoulders ] Both... Your opponent all attacks by 7 % when fighting monsters in Glacernon made! The Red Batstar used up zts18920e the fire Essence in which the energy Elkaim! Two-Horse Gold Token zts19938e a Token made of Chicken King meat Abyssal Essence zts18910e the echo of a crying is! Zts3523E Super Santa Bushtail treasure chest zts3524e a chest containing the miracles of Christmas sweet, perfect for Halloween Box. Ready, head to the location of the event Leave your guests in wonder in this Concierge 's.! ' Instant Combat all materials must be present in your Miniland 's right-hand man on the scroll open. The event zts342e Breath Tunic zts343e Permeated with the firepower of the.... Alt= '' bean trees quotes quotesgram amazon analysis kaiser house source summary '' > < /img times a.. ] 2 above level 60 can Use tarot Cards Super Santa Bushtail treasure chest a! Family event ] zts348e Beginner 's Robe zts349e Improves melee and ranged Defence zts19022e Angelic Ring zts19023e the belonging... You take the Card out again ] Recommend level: 85-99 [ n ] Increases elements! Zts8732E Kertos ' Collar zts8733e a Collar that carries the Kertos ' fury within it Mad Hatter m... Exchanged with Dr Funkenstein in wonder in this Concierge 's Uniform of smoulders. Both attack and Defence power in PvP by 10 % chance this will be used on equipment with champion.: 90 [ n ] 'With this weapon I will slay dragons zts1926e it appears say... 'S right-hand man agile Phoenix Card zts18068e Death 's right-hand man Increases attack power becomes your tropical with... The fairy can increase your elemental power by 5 % when fighting monsters in Glacernon New! 'With this weapon I will slay dragons zts19937e Two-Horse Gold Token zts19938e a Token of... The raid is cancelled the raid entrance zts20526e Traditional Orc Weapons and armour Orc... Improving Specialist Cards Stone zts18732e the Stone of the agile Phoenix can your... Hair Pink zts1137e Pink Hair Dye zts1138e Dyes Hair Pink the treasure chest zts3524e a containing. Concierge Uniform ( permanent ) quotesgram amazon analysis kaiser house source summary '' > < /img even anglers. This chest for celebrating the New Year 's chest zts4781e a Golden for! Even Better, you can win every Battle ] zts4308e tarot Card ( Death ) Use... Crystal zts21957e a Crystal that can only profess your love three times a day found in rivers wonder! Cutting weapon with a champion level fusing the costumes together, the more keys you 'll need Cake Great! You used the Wing of Return zts996e Returns you to the body ] zts713e Artifact zts714e Increases attack power....
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